Valentine’s day Oreo truffles

You need:

2packs of oreos

2 tbsp cream cheese

1bag of candy melts

Sprinkles (optional)

Mix oreos and cream cheese in a food processor until smooth. Spread mixture on a silicone mat about 2cm thick  and cut out heart shapes with a cookie cutter. Leave the hearts in the freezer for 20-30 minutes. Carefully melt the candy melts (instruction). Take the hearts out of the freezer one by one and dip them in the melted candy melt with the help of a fork. Carefully transfer the heart onto a cookie sheet and decorate! IMG_5222

Chocolate Mousse Cupcakes

If one of your new years resolutions was to lose weight, eat less sweets or live a healthier life (mine were!), you have come to the wrong place. Do NOT scroll any further. Im kidding, this is too good (and easy!) to miss.


I was looking for easy mousse recipes on pinterest, but didnt seem to be able to find any that I fully liked, so I ended putting together my own recipe. These choco mousse “cupcakes” are super easy and quick to make. All you need is:

(makes 6 servings)

6 silicone cupcake moulds (individual)

200g milk chocolate (I used Cadburys milk chocolate)
300ml double cream
50g 70% dark chocolate
5tbs espresso
Raspberries for garnish

Chocolate cups:                                                    
Chop 100g of milk chocolate into a (microwaveable) bowl . To melt it in the microwave, start with 30 seconds, stirring in between and continue microwaving for 10 seconds for as long as it takes. When part of the chocolate is melted, start stirring until it becomes even. (Patience is key! do not over-heat the chocolate or otherwise it will turn grainy and thick)

When the chocolate is melted, spoon a couple of tsp of chocolate into the silicone moulds and spread it up to the edges. Put chocolatey moulds into the fridge and let harden for 1-2 hours.

Put 5tbs of espresso to a small saucepan and heat on low heat. Put the rest of the chopped milk chocolate and dark chocolate into the saucepan and stir until chocolate is starting to melt. Turn off heat and stir until even. Set saucepanpan aside to cool.

Whisk 300ml of double cream in a large bowl (do not over-whip! The cream should be soft and fluffy). Take one tbsp of the whipped cream and mix it in the saucepan with the cooled chocolate paste. This way the chocolate paste becomes softer and is easier to work with. Now mix the chocolate paste and the whipped cream together in the large bowl by lifiting gently with a spoon to not lose the fluffines of the whipped cream.

When the mousse is even you can take out the cupcake moulds and carefully peel the mould off the chocolate. Try not to touch the chocolate to avoid melting and fingerprints. Spoon in a desired amount of mousse and garnish with a raspberry before serving. You can also prepare this ahead and leave it in the fridge.
